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Story of one's love
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Author:  Galadriel [ Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Story of one's love

In the golden woods of Lothlórien, where the leaves whispered secrets of ancient times, I, Galadriel, stood by the shimmering waters of the Nimrodel. My heart, a vessel of memories spanning the ages, held an undying love for Celeborn, my consort and steadfast companion.

Our love was not a fiery passion, but rather a gentle stream that had carved its way through the stone of ages. It was a bond forged in the light of the Two Trees, nurtured under starlight and moonbeam, and tested in the fires of war and the shadows of Sauron’s malice.

We had seen the rise and fall of kingdoms, the ebb and flow of power, and through it all, our love remained, as constant as the stars that gleamed above our sylvan realm. It was a love that spoke of understanding and respect, of shared dreams and silent conversations where words were unnecessary.

As the Lady of Light, I wielded Nenya, one of the three Elven rings of power, a symbol of preservation and protection. Yet, it was Celeborn’s unwavering support that was my true strength. Together, we were guardians of our people, a sanctuary of peace in a world often fraught with peril.


Our story was not marked by grand gestures or legendary feats; it was written in the quiet moments, the soft smiles exchanged beneath the mallorn trees, the silent walks along the banks of the Silverlode, and the tender glances that spoke volumes. :)

As the world changed and the Age of Men approached, our love remained a testament to the enduring power of connection and companionship. For even as I prepared to depart Middle-earth, to sail into the West and leave behind the lands we had called home, I knew that our love would endure beyond the confines of time and space, a starlight melody carried on the winds of eternity.

And so, in the twilight of the Third Age, our love story continued, a gentle, undying flame amidst the ever-changing tides of the world.

Author:  DarlaFredrick [ Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Story of one's love

I really like your short story. I would be glad to hear her in more detail!

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