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Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?
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Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?

'I totally agree with you. I mean we are supposed to be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Its called CHRISTmas anyways!! Honestly, on those jcpenney and Walmart commercials, all you see is "get the gift of your dreams". it highly annoys me.

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?

'Technically jesus was born around september. So it's not really his birthday. There's this whole story about why christmas is called CHRISTmas. and it came wayyy after jesus. And originally it wasn't even called christmas. :) google the story. I think you would learn something.

Author:  Donna [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:06 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?

'I agree. This is when we should be celebrating the birth of Jesus even if it is not his technical birthday. It has become a time of year where people think that all that matters are the gifts, but that's not what I believe. In fact I am about to leave to go to a Christmas service right now. I believe that we should keep Christ in Christmas.

Author:  ScaringSophieStraight [ Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:11 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?

'In actual fact Jesus was born somewhere in mid-July i believe.

Plus i have Muslim, Hindu, Wicca, Atheist etc friends all of whom celebrate Christmas. Now it's become a slightly more commercial holiday, with is neither good nor bad.

I agree some people are spoilt (i.e. that girl you talked about) but, hey it's Christmas.

SnowBarbie: Actually i live in the Middle East, where many of my muslim friends get presents on Ramadan during Iftar and during Eid. Plus the majority, if not all, of my friends celebrate Christmas.

I myself am atheist but i celebrate Christmas, fast during Ramadan and celebrate in the festival of lights (Hindu). That doesn't mean i am 'cheating' but i merely think that *I* enjoy these festivals/holidays, regardless if or if not there is a god they are enjoyable times i spend with family and friends.

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?


Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?

'Other people have too much time on their hands? Love, you have too much time on your hands if this girl who is obviously spoiled and shallow gets to you this much.

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?

'Christmas isn't exactly religious anymore. It's mostly commercialized and is also hugely influenced by Pagan practices.
Go to mass or something if you want your holiday to be religious, but don't expect others to do it too.

Author:  Em [ Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?

'I definately agree. I'll admit, I have my moments but I try to remember that it is a very special day and that we should celebrate it respectively.

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?

Ha. Read it and weep ^^

"Why would an athiest celebrate christmas?"
You realize that the vast majority of Christmas traditions, such as having a Christmas tree and Santa Claus, are PAGAN TRADITIONS, correct?

So I guess I should ask you: why would a CHRISTIAN celebrate Christmas?

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?

'If I was you, I really wouldn't care if I offended anyone, I am Christian and they are sort of offending me! Because you are meant to celebrate Jesus' bday , nowadays people can see only presents with Xmas and it's disappointing....

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:03 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?

'People, is when Jesus was actually born or what Christmas was originally supposed to be about even relevant to this question? I highly doubt its original purpose (even if it wasn't the birth of Jesus) was to be materialistic and expect a ton of presents.

Christmas is really commercialized like any other holiday, what do you expect? People like to buy stuff anyway, Christmas is just another excuse to do so.

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:24 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?

'Well it may be because they aren't religious I mean I'm not religious (Anymore)

And you say people who aren't religious shouldn't celebrate Christmas but if they don't believe it is to do with Jesus they just see it as a celebration like new year.

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Why do people seem to forget that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and not theirs?

'I think that some (not all) teens and children only think about the fun stuff on Christmas, instead the family time. That would explain why the girl on facebook always posts those ridiculous updates, also she could be spoiled.

I know that when I was younger, my favourite part was feeling the wrapping papers ad shredding it, knowing that I could expect something interesting from my parents and family. This year, I'm more excited about family time.

.Also, I don't belong to any religion but I still celebrate Christmas as a family holiday

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