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Am I the only one who hates Christmas?
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Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Am I the only one who hates Christmas?

I hate the music, it all gets stuck in your head past January.
I hate the decorations. What's the point? They're just going to be taken down and put back up in the attic for next time. Rinse and repeat for next year.

The Christmas tree; what the hell is it there for? Why do we need to put a tree in our house to put gifts under it? Can't we just put them on the floor? What the hell is the point?

And what I hate most is gift giving. People buy you something, you feel like crap. When someone buys you something, you have to return the favor, otherwise, you plainly feel like an asshole.

I don't understand why we even buy each other gifts. I know it's the thought that counts, but today, people are asking me what I particularly want for Christmas. There is no thought involved anymore. And while I hate being surprised, why can't people just buy what they want themselves? It makes no sense. Because if you really want something, you should go out and get it. Instead of wasting your money, surprising people with something they might not like.

I hate Christmas. I hate every holiday, I think. They're nice on paper, but they seem to just make you feel bad. ... 719AAiOPXB

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  Am I the only one who hates Christmas?

'Many people hate Christmas.

There are more suicides during Dec. then any other time of year.

I dislike Christmas as it brings back many terrible memories of childhood Christmases.

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Am I the only one who hates Christmas?

'You are funny even though you are serious about Christmas. I feel a little bit like you do. I like having a tree with ornaments I have collected over the years. That's about as far as it goes. I get sad thinking about the hardship it puts on everyone. The media ruins it for everyone - and puts pressure on parents by continually showing toys on TV for the kids to scream about. Have a happy holiday!

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Am I the only one who hates Christmas?

'I feel you.
I hate the christmas music that starts on the radios the day after thanksgiving
I hate that I can't go ANYWHERE without their being a crowd bc every1 is Christmas shopping - it's chaos.
I hate that I go broke because I feel obliged to buy everyone a little something

I wish people would take it wayyyy lesss serious, because taking it serious, and going in debt takes all the fun out of Christmas. Of course the real reason to Celebrate is Jesus' b-day. everything else is wayyyy hyped up.

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Am I the only one who hates Christmas?

'I dont like Christmas either
Too much money spent
Christmas movies playing on every channel
Christmas Carols playing in every store and radio station
Waaay to much fuss on the gifts

Just yesterday I was about to buy this doll for my niece some lady literally pushes me to the side and grabs the toy and yells "Ha! I got it first! Now just 15 more gifts!"
She didnt even bother helping me! She ran away!

And whats it feel like for people who dont even celebrate Christmas?
And once Christmas ends, they starts making a new plan for the next holiday!

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Am I the only one who hates Christmas?

'Way to be a Scrooge.

Author:  VIRGOBABE [ Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Am I the only one who hates Christmas?

'Christmas is a very depressing holiday to me as well. My son is two and I go out of the way to make sure he got plenty gifts so i can see him light up when he opens them and thats the exciting part to me. The rest is down hill from there. Then Im worrying how everything is gonna be paid in time and Im stressing everything.... Tis the season to go in debt!!!! oh and the music drives me nuts

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